On my mind...
Breathe, N-uno, Supernatural, Tableau Vivant, Epiphany,Uber, Vanity
N-Uno - Vilma at Uber
.::Supernatural::. Ada Necklace Silver/Gold #2 at Vanity
[BREATHE]-Soyo Heels at Epiphany
Tableu Vivant Zephyr at Mainstore
Epiphany Lm
Uber Lm
Vanity Lm
Tableau Vivant Store
Model and Photographer; Marissa
Roses and wine...
Breathe, Little Fox, Noir Store, Tableau Vivant, Belle Event, Epiphany
Little Fox - Miley mini dress at Belle event
[BREATHE]-Kaeko Heels- at Epiphany
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the air - Frame Garden
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the air - Frame Spring
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the air - Wine
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the air - Flower
at Epiphany
Tableau Vivant \\ Megan hair at Mainstore
Belle Event LM
Epiphany LM
Tableau Vivant Store
Model and Photographer: Marissa
Noir Store, Sparrow, Tableau Vivant, Ebento, Epiphany
[SPARROW] overall - Nata x at Ebento
Tableau Vivant \\ Choco at Mainstore
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the Air
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the air - PicNic Bike
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Spring is in the air - Bike Mint
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Bee Awesome Gacha - Ice Cream 02
:::NOIR+MIDNA::: Bee Awesome Gacha - Cupcake 01
at Epiphany
Ebento LM
Epiphany LM
Tableau Vivant LM
Model and Photographer: Marissa
Princess Trinity!
Exile, Giz Seorn, N-core, Noir Store, Sakura, Anthem,Belle Event, Spring Flair
{Sakura} Pretty Ponies - Hold - Moonbeam
Exile:: Illyana at Anthem
:::NOIR::: Nala Necklace at Belle Event
GIZ SEORN: Trinity Leather Jacket at Spring Flair
N-core LORA Jeans Skinny "Fuchsia" at Mainstore
Anthem LM
Belle Event LM
Spring Flair LM
N-core Store
Model and Photographer: Marissa
Roses and Cactus...
Glamistry, Supernatural, Tableau Vivant, Vanilla Bae, Collabor88
*Vanilla Bae* Priya Jumpsuit at Collabor88
Glamistry : Heels PF1046 at Mainstore
.::Supernatural::. Makaila Necklace Gold/Silver at Mainstore
*LODE* Head Accessory - Eucalyptus & Roses
Tableau Vivant \\ Esperanza hair at Mainstore
Collabor88 LM
Glamistry Store
Tableau Vivant Store
Supernatural Store
Model and Photographer; Marissa
Cute drone...
amias, BONDI, Supernatural, Tableau Vivant, Collabor88, Epiphany, Sanarae
amias - AMOUR shirt and skirt at Mainstore
.::Supernatural::. Alicia Choker Gold/Black at Sanarae
Tableau Vivant \\ My Deer at Collabor88
BONDI . Cute Drone Evil Prototype .Exclusive at Epiphany
Collabor88 LM
Epiphany LM
Sanarae LM
Amias Store
Model and Photographer: Marissa
Soy mia...
BONDI, Giz Seorn, Supernatural, Tableau Vivant, Fameshed,TLC
GIZ SEORN : Macha Belted Dress at Fameshed
BONDI . Octagonal Glasses at Mainstore
Tableau Vivant \\ Mariposa hair at Mainstore
.::Supernatural::. Anisha Choker Silver/Pink at TLC
Fameshed LM
Tableau Vivant Store
Model and Photographer: Marissa
Axix, E.A Studio, Formanails, Foxy, Genus
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Strong Face GIFT001 - Mocap
Shape by Me (if you want a copy of my shape, please IM inworld Mariselaa, so i can sell you for a low price, with NC)
::Axix:: DelicateDesire Straps Top at Mainstore
.:E.A.Studio:. Morphine Rings at Mainstore
[FORMANAILS] Accessories - CIRI at Mainstore
Foxy Maeve hair
Foxy-Cellphone Good Vibes
Axix Store
E.A studio Store
Formanails Store
Model and Photographer; Marissa
Jumo, Designer Showcase
Jumo- Felicity Gown at Designer Showcase
Designer Showcase LM
Model and Photographer; Marissa
Dust in the wind...
Belle Epoque, We <3 RP
Belle Epoque-amelia at We <3 Rp
We <3 RP LM
Model and Photographer; Marissa