Who´s That Girl?


Who´s That Girl?

American Bazaar, ERSCH, Scandalize, Supernatural, Cosmopolitan,Trés Chic, Shiny Shabby

 Andie (top and leggins) by Scandalize at Trés Chic
.::Supernatural::. Jenna choker (open collar) at Cosmopolitan

 ESCH - Leather Kitten Headband at Shiny Shabby 
 [AB] November BENTO Nails Shiny at Mainstore

 N-core ARACHNID at Mainstore
 Cosmopolitan Event Landmark
 Trés Chic Landmark
 Shiny Shabby Landmark 
 American Bazaar Store
 ERSCH Store
 N-Core Store
 Supernatural Store
 Scandalize Store
 Model and Photographer: Marissa Almodovar Corleone


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