I can share my apples with you...


I can share my apples with you

AZUL, BREATHE, Supernatural, The Nightmare, Shoetopia, CCB Matsuri, Genre, Dark Passions

-AZUL- Keely /Ruby at CCB Matsuri
.::Supernatural::. Circe Eyepatch [Black-Red]
.::Supernatural::. Circe Headband [Black-Red]
at the Nightmare Event
[BREATHE]-Ruby Heels at Shoetopia
Koffin Nails - Fatpack - Celtic Couture - Gold at Genre 
CCB Matsuri Landmark
The Nightmare Landmark
Shoetopia Landmark
Genre Landmark 
AZUL Store
Supernatural Store
Dark Passions Store
Model and Photographer; Marissa Almodovar Corleone

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