Let Me Take A Selfie!


Let Me Take A Selfie!

Alter, The Upcyclers Hunt
Jason Flanel and Jeans by Alter (Men Clothes, Mesh sizes, included  flanel, jeans and shirt)
Gergis Beanie by Alter (hud different colors and resize) 
George Glasses Hipster by Alter
All exclusive at SWANK Events
Shelf Pallet by Dreamscapes Art Gallery- For Upcyclers Hunt
SWANK Event Landmark
Alter Store
Alter Facebook

Upcyclers Hunt 
October 1st - 31st 2016
Start Location Landmark
Upcyclers hunt Blog
Upcyclers hunt Flickr Group
You have to find this

I Love My Style Group
Model and Photographer; Marissa

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